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Sifuna wonke amaklayenti ethu  ukuzwa okwethu  Izinga elihlaba umxhwele lobuchwepheshe nobuciko lapho usebenza nebhizinisi lasekhaya lase-Connecticut online, iKendra's Umbrella, LLC.

Iqoqo lethu lehembe lifaka phakathi okwenzelwe ngaphambili  amahembe alungele uku-oda esitolo sethu esiku-inthanethi. Osayizi behembe basukela kokuncane kakhulu (XS) kuze kufike kokuthathu  enkulu kakhulu (3XL). Ezimweni lapho  amahembe adingeka ngosayizi abane kuya kwabayisithupha abengeziwe (4XL - 6XL), mane usazise futhi singa-oda ngokwezifiso futhi sakhe usayizi (we) wehembe lakho odingekayo.


Enza ngokwezifiso It Yakho Indlela Shirt & Hoodie Izinketho Iyatholakala

Kulabo abahlala onqenqemeni futhi banesibindi ngokwanele sokwakha ihembe, sizothatha ukweqa nawe! Kunezinketho zokuba ne-hoodie yangokwezifiso, isikibha, noma ihembe lemikhono emide elenziwe. Amahembe wethu wesiko alungele abesifazane, abesilisa, izingane, umndeni, namabhizinisi.  

Ngendlela epholile njengoba kuzwakala ngayo, kungahle kube nzima ukuthola ukuthi ungawuthatha kanjani umqondo ekhanda lakho bese uphenduka ube yinto ebonakalayo. Kepha yingakho silapha ... sisonke sizokwembula  imininingwane eyenza ukwazi ukuklama ihembe lakho. 

Imiklamo yeShirt yangokwezifiso ne-Hoodie


Kunezindlela ezingaphezu kweyodwa zokufeza imiklamo yakho yehembe oyifunayo ngezinketho esinazo ezitholakalayo.  

Ngamunye wethu  Enza ngendlela oyifisayo I-Way Yakho Amahembe enzelwe uku-oda. Ukusebenzisana kweqembu kwenza iphupho lisebenze futhi yingakho sisebenza eduze nawe ukuqinisekisa ukuthi sithwebula umbono wakho lapho sakha ihembe lakho langokwezifiso  ukwakheka. Ekuphothuleni imininingwane yehembe lakho langokwezifiso, uzokhetha futhi kokukodwa noma ngaphezulu kwabasebenzela ukuphrinta ukwakha idizayini yehembe lakho.

BH 1


Great for printing or wearing as is! Our shirts feature durable cotton and come in various fits. Ultra soft feeling while wearing.

T-Shirts: Order Your Customized T-Shirt & Hoodie

SHIRT & Hoodie


Short Sleeve T-Shirts

Starting at...
*1 - 5 Shirts
*6 - 9 Shirts
*10 -13 Shirts
*14 -18 Shirts
*19 - 23 Shirts
*24 - 48 Shirts


Long Sleeve T-Shirts

Starting at...
*1 - 5 Shirts
*6 - 9 Shirts
*10 -13 Shirts
*14 -18 Shirts
*19 - 23 Shirts
*24 - 48 Shirts


*Pricing includes print on one side of the shirt with the use of one color

49 or more shirts, call for more information

*Add $2.99 per additional HTV color

*Sizes 2XL and up $5 upcharge (each)

*Photo Prints $3.50 upcharge (each)

Add a backside and/or sleeve to your design for $5 additional


Starting at...
*1 - 5 Shirts
*6 - 9 Shirts
*10 -13 Shirts
*14 -18 Shirts
*19 - 23 Shirts
*24 - 48 Shirts



Starting at...
*1 - 5 Shirts
*6 - 9 Shirts
*10 -13 Shirts
*14 -18 Shirts
*19 - 23 Shirts
*24 - 48 Shirts


*Pricing includes print on one side of the shirt with the use of one color

49 or more shirts, call for more information

*Add $2.99 per additional HTV color

*Sizes 2XL and up $5 upcharge (each)

*Photo Prints
 $3.50 upcharge (each)

Add a backside and/or sleeve to your design for $5 additional.

Pricing discounts begins 6 or more shirts.

Add more color HTV to your design for $2.50 each.

T-Shirt & Hoodie Order Form

SHIRT & Hoodie

Order Form

folded shirt stack_edited.jpg

Customize It Your Way | T-Shirts & Hoodies

Shirt & Hoodie Pricing

Amahembe Aklanywe Ngokwezifiso namaHoodies


T-Shirts: Gallery
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